Melton Hunt Club Ride, Nov 2017 – course walk photos

Posted on 1st November 2017 in Horse Event Photography. So far there are 2 comments.

The Melton Hunt Club Ride sponsored by 8 Outdoor, will be held in Cottesmore country at Abbey Farm, Launde Road, Oakham LE7 9XN on Sunday 19th November 2017, starting at 12 noon.

All the fence and marker numbers refer to the course plan which can be downloaded from here: Melton Hunt Club Ride, November 2017.

The start is in the field immediately North-East of Withcote Hall where the word “start” is (!).

The direct line to the first marker takes you towards the left end of each of fences 1, 2 and 3. The arrow below indicates the direction of running.

[x_alert heading=”Disclaimer” type=”warning”] I have photographed the course as I saw it at the end of October.
There were no markers in place and the course had stock on most of it.
Areas of the course may look very different in three weeks time. There may not be gaps in fences and whole fences may have gone for the race too.[/x_alert]

View from Oakham Road showing start area
View from Oakham Road showing start area

Competitors approach Fence 1 heading almost due South but those seeking the more direct line to the first marker with head more South-East.

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Approach to Fence 1
Approach to Fence 1
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Approach to Fence 1 (further down the hill)
Approach to Fence 1 (further down the hill)
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 1 landing side
Fence 1 landing side
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 2 take off side
Fence 2 take off side
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 2 take off side
Fence 2 take off side
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 2 landing side
Fence 2 landing side
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 2 landing side
Fence 2 landing side

The top end of fence three is closest to marker A (white) which is behind this hedge close to the middle of the image below.

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Take-off side of fence 3
Take-off side of fence 3
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Take-off side of fence 3 (further down)
Take-off side of fence 3 (further down)
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Take-off side of fence 3 (further down still)
Take-off side of fence 3 (further down still)
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Landing side Fence 3
Landing side Fence 3

After fence 3 the course bears left. The image below are of the hedge where the course crosses this hedgerow on the map.

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Hedge between fences 3 and 4 - take-off, right hand
Hedge between fences 3 and 4 – take-off, right hand
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Hedge between fences 3 and 4 - landing side, right hand
Hedge between fences 3 and 4 – landing side, right hand

At the top end of this hedgerow, nearest the marker itself, is another cut hedge:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Hedge between fences 3 and 4 - landing side, top end, looking North
Hedge between fences 3 and 4 – landing side, top end, looking North
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Hedge between fences 3 and 4 - landing side, top end, looking South
Hedge between fences 3 and 4 – landing side, top end, looking South

Another left-hand turn and uphill to fence 4:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 4 take-off side
Fence 4 take-off side
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 4 landing side with marker hedge in background
Fence 4 landing side with marker hedge in background

Due North up the hill brings Fence 5:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 5 approach
Fence 5 approach
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 5 take-off side
Fence 5 take-off side
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 5 landing side
Fence 5 landing side

And on to Fence 6 where the white marker must be left to the left:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 6 approach
Fence 6 approach
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 6 take-off, looking North
Fence 6 take-off, looking North
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 6 landing, looking North
Fence 6 landing, looking North

Then slightly left to Fence 7 where the white marker must be left to the left:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 7 approach
Fence 7 approach
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 7 take-off looking South
Fence 7 take-off looking South
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 7 take-off looking North
Fence 7 take-off looking North

The course then turns downhill, back towards the start field:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 8 approach
Fence 8 approach
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 8 landing
Fence 8 landing

The course now leaves the start on the left and heads downhill towards the farm:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 9 approach
Fence 9 approach
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 9 take-off, looking South-West
Fence 9 take-off, looking South-West
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 9 take-off, looking North-East
Fence 9 take-off, looking North-East

A few strides only, before Fence 10:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 10 approach
Fence 10 approach
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 10 approach
Fence 10 approach
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 10 landing
Fence 10 landing

Now we turn right-handed:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 11 take-off
Fence 11 take-off

I don’t know if this gateway in Fence 12 will be closed or left as is.

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 12
Fence 12

Then pick your way through the trees to Fence 13:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 13 approach
Fence 13 approach
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 13 approach
Fence 13 approach
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 13 landing
Fence 13 landing
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 13 landing
Fence 13 landing

Head South-West, across some uneven ground to Fence 14:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 14 approach
Fence 14 approach

Which is then followed by a red marker (D) somewhere here:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017:

Turn round the marker and up the hill:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 15 approach
Fence 15 approach

Then onwards, and upwards, over the hill:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017:
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017:

and down towards fence 16:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 16 approach
Fence 16 approach

Then Fence 17 (sorry about my friends here):

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 17 approach
Fence 17 approach
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 17 take-off
Fence 17 take-off
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 17 take-off
Fence 17 take-off

There is a white marker at Fence 18, which must be left to the left:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 18 approach
Fence 18 approach

and straight, parallel to the road to Fence 19:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 19 approach
Fence 19 approach
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 19 take-off looking South
Fence 19 take-off looking South
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Another possible crossing of Fence 19
Another possible crossing of Fence 19

Then Fence 20:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 20 approach
Fence 20 approach
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 20 approach
Fence 20 approach
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 20 take-off looking North
Fence 20 take-off looking North

Then sharp left and downhill to Fence 21:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 21 approach
Fence 21 approach
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 21 landing
Fence 21 landing

At the bottom of the hill is an unnumbered fence. The tiger trap, right, covers the brook. The fence to the left does not so you might land in it.

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017:
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: The brook/ditch behind the rails in the previous image
The brook/ditch behind the rails in the previous image

Straight uphill over some uneven ground:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017:
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017:

Brings us to Fence 22:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017:
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017:

Followed by a gallop to this point. I’m told the fence and gate will not be there for the race.

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017:
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017:
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017:

After this, another uphill stretch to Fence 23, and on to Fence 24, which will have a marker to push you uphill:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 24 approach
Fence 24 approach
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 24 landing side
Fence 24 landing side
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 24 landing side, with Fence 23 upper right in the distance
Fence 24 landing side, with Fence 23 upper right in the distance
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 24 landing side, with Fence 23 upper right in the distance
Fence 24 landing side, with Fence 23 upper right in the distance

Fence 25 is a hedge with a hunt jump at the far (left) end:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 25 approach
Fence 25 approach
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 25 hunt jump
Fence 25 hunt jump

This brings to Fence 26, the last fence:

Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: Fence 26 from the hunt jump at Fence 25
Fence 26 from the hunt jump at Fence 25
Melton Hunt Club Ride 2017: View down to the Finish from Fence 26
View down to the Finish from Fence 26

I hope this was useful. It is not intended to replace a proper course walk but hopefully gives an idea of the options available and the areas around the markers.

Feel free to comment but I can’t promise I will know the answers to any questions!nt but I can’t promise I will know the answers to any questions!


  • living in South Africa and having a son riding this has been a great encouragement to jump on a plane just for the week-end. well done on superb photos and what the army calls Field Craft! Brilliant stuff..
    I very much enjoyed a Ride in 1978.

    • A

      Thanks Reggie. I hope I will be able to document the race itself as well!

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